The Jazz Ballad Challenge!
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Beginner to Early Intermediate:
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PWJ Challenges
Blues Beg/Int Challenge
Blues Int/Adv Challenge
Jazz Ballad Beg/Int Challenge
Jazz Ballad Int/Adv Challenge
Amazing Grace Beg/Int Challenge
Amazing Grace Int/Adv Challenge
Fly Me to the Moon Beg/Int Challenge
Fly Me to the Moon Int/Adv Challenge
O Christmas Tree Beg/Int Challenge
O Christmas Tree Int/Adv Challenge
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PWJ Special Offers
PWJ Quarterly and Annual Specials
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Late Intermediate to Advanced:
Email Address
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PWJ Challenges
Blues Beg/Int Challenge
Blues Int/Adv Challenge
Jazz Ballad Beg/Int Challenge
Jazz Ballad Int/Adv Challenge
Amazing Grace Beg/Int Challenge
Amazing Grace Int/Adv Challenge
Fly Me to the Moon Beg/Int Challenge
Fly Me to the Moon Int/Adv Challenge
O Christmas Tree Beg/Int Challenge
O Christmas Tree Int/Adv Challenge
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PWJ Special Offers
PWJ Quarterly and Annual Specials
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What will you learn?
The Lead Sheet Melody
Diatonic 7th Chords
Chord Inversions
Chord Shells with 3 & 7
A Beginner Stride Pattern
Rootless Voicings
The "Money Range" for Chord Tones
An Advanced Stride Pattern
And So Much More...
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